Sermons Layout 6

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Presence of God

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Presence of God

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut ante vel nunc viverra consectetur. Nulla eu sem arcu. Praesent ut enim nec lacus posuere semper. Nunc sed aliquam turpis, vel cursus diam. Nunc vel posuere purus. Proin tempor nisi lectus, vehicula luctus eros scelerisque eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec euismod iaculis nisi. Proin nec nisi vitae lacus commodo varius quis in massa.

Nulla auctor libero ac elit gravida accumsan. Fusce eget tristique nibh. Morbi suscipit molestie nibh nec scelerisque. Suspendisse dignissim, tortor vitae sagittis luctus, eros metus mollis nibh, at porta tortor urna eget elit. Nullam consectetur magna quis posuere blandit. Integer et elementum erat. Fusce non vehicula ante. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Speaker: Peter McMillan
October 6, 2019

Exodus 33:22-23


Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

As Moses and God interact regarding the condition of the nation and God’s glory, we are able to learn some great lessons about the implications of God’s presence.

1. God’s presence could be dangerousNotes:

2. God’s presence demands humility Notes:

3. God’s presence creates worship Notes:

4. God’s presence involves intimacy Notes:

5. God’s presence requires His favor Notes:

6. God’s presence brings restNotes:

7. God’s presence is specialNotes:

8. God’s presence reveals His gloryNotes: